Rise Up Ministries International

Writing to inmates

It has become my mission to reach those that have been cast aside by society, forgotten and abused. Rise Up Ministries International is all about restoration, helping those with low self esteem to rebuild their lives and contribute positively toward our society.

In January 2009 I began writing to prisoners across the country. What began with just three pen pals soon developed into the Prison Correspondence Ministry with over three hundred prisoners across the country and abroad. By February 2012 I reached over 500 inmates on my data base excluding the those on the Bible correspondence College data base. I am still astounded by how God is moving... Its just too amazing how things have turned out... This has been the most humble thing that I have ever done, and yet it is the strongest thing that God has done through me! In 2015, I ended the year with over 1000 inmates, from SA and 9 other countries abroad. By the end of 2018 we ended the year with over 1500 inmates and most of them were registered as students with our free Bible Correspondence College (for inmates).

The Prison Correspondence Ministry is very dear to my heart and I want to do all that I am able to do in order to make a difference in the lives of the prisoners that I come in contact with. I want to show them love. Many of these individual, both male and female, have never ever known love and I want to show them what love can do. The word of God tells us to ..."remember those that are in prison as if we were their fellow prisoners" Hebrew 13:3

Bible Correspondence College

In September 2009 I opened a Bible Correspondence College for theses inmates, largely due to the persuasion of some of the inmate who wanted to grow spiritually. The lessons are all purchased from another organization with similar views as mine and the same goal in mind. I distribute these lessons freely to these inmates and purchase them from my own pocket. I have since stopped using lessons from others and have created my own, since I began studying my Doctorate in Ministry.

In February 2012 our data base showed over 350 students in the college.

2015 has seen an addition to our students, close to 700 inmates within SA that are hungry for the word of God.

By the end of 2015, we had over 1000 inmates on our data base, many of whom were students of our free Bible Correspondence College.

  Prayer Ministry

I have also extended an invitation for our Prayer Alter (daily at 6pm) to these inmates and from time to time I resend the invitation. Attached to the invitation is a prayer request that they return with their prayer request filled in. What I have found to be a blessing is that each one that accepted my invitation had in turn invited their prayer group to join. We now have hundreds of prayer warriors on their knees every day at 6pm with us...God is good. The prayer ministry has extended beyond my imagination.

Book of testimonies

After seen Gods hand move in the Prison Ministry, I felt led to make a record of the testimonies that I had received from these inmates, with their consent. From that came a voice that whispered to me..."write a book!" So, almost a year later... I sent out a little note to some of these inmates, included in their letters, and once again the response surprised me... I have begun writing my book: Jesus Behind Bars! It is all about the life changing experiences of these inmates and how the Lord changed them and turned them from hardened criminals to wonderful children of God. Please keep this project in your prayers.

Womens Ministry

In 2009 I started assisting a safe house for abused women and children via the charity. The relationship between that organization and mine grew to such an extent that a partnership was developed. Over the years I have become involved in more ways than one. The womens ministry has since expanded beyond just helping the safe house. I have become involved in other ministries, assisting with motivational talks, empowerment groups and skills training and development sessions. I have also done HIV/Aids counselling with these women.

My influence on these women has been a positive one. Most of the women I deal with come from abusive relationships and find it difficult to regain a sense of self esteem in order to rebuild their lives. Some of these women are survivors of violent rapes and need regular encouragement and support.

I have become a member of the management board for a nearby shelter for abused women a few years back and have also been assisting the women that have come through those doors with skills development, counselling and training.

In 2016 I was nominated and voted in as the Chairperson of the womens shelter. In December 2016, I became and member of the executive board and also secretary for the executive board. I have since resigned the post of Chairperson to pursue a greater calling on my ministry. But I haven't stopped the work with the women. Instead, the work has just grown and evolved into something greater. Some of the ladies that I have dealt with in the past have come back to me and requested guidance and mentorship to start what they feel is a calling on their lives. Some are survivors of violent rape or domestic abuse, and they have grown from the motivational sessions and mentorship, and become strong, bold women...wanting to give back to society. These ladies want to return the favor and let others know that there is life after abuse. They want to help other females rise up from their ashes. So, I am now mentoring for ministry, the ladies that I mentored out of ashes. God is awesome.

Community Development

Over the past few years I have received many request from people and organizations that have heard about what I do to either assist their organization or to become a board member. This has allowed me to use the experience that I have gained in the past.

I have assisted in building other ministries, NPO's churches in poorer communities and also developed other divisions of my organization in other provinces. I have also received many requests for affiliations worldwide, as other organizations would like to participate in the vision that I have been carrying.

I also help with registration of other npo's,  their constitutions, admin, doing talks/seminars and mentoring. I remain close to the new organizations that I have registered, helping them to shape themselves and form their own identity giving the relevent support to their local communities. I hold hands with them as they find their feet and their own identity in their community.

 We all have something to offer and if we work together we can make this world a better place. So, my aim is to assist where I can, with the experience I have gained, in order to spread the good works as far as it can go. Our future is in our own hands!

The Community Development hosts projects that assist the underprivileged, homeless, needy families affected by unemployment and other disadvantages. We have taken on a local informal settlement and assist where possible. All this is done through donations received from donors and sponsors.


Informal Settlement Day Care Facility

For the past few years we have been assisting an informal settlement and a crèche that is in the heart of the settlement. This crèche assists children from babies to preschool age. In November 2015, I decided to take the crèche on officially, after much request for help from the lady that began the crèche 18 years ago. The crèche host, on average, 60+ children and also an aftercare for school children that need supervision and assistance with homework.

By the grace of God, the crèche is now stable and able to operate on its own

Community Development/Home Base

After many years of living in the city center and focusing my ministry in the city and where requests were made, I moved back to the community that I had grown up in. There was a strong sense of how different things had become since I had left. Seen the youth loitering around and some having nothing to do but opt to taking the easiest path of drugs or gangsterism. There seemed to be a very dry void in the community as a whole, as with most communities in this day and age. So I decided to shift my focus of the ministry and all my projects to the community that I grew up in. 2019 sees the beginning of Community Projects focused solely on individual communities: Families as a whole, Youth and Women. All the projects that I have already been doing will be focusing on building communities now: Mentoring, Life Coaching, Counseling, Skills Development and soon to come...Opportunities for employment.

Around the World

The Ministry has evolved greatly over the years. Every year sees a new development. This year saw a greater development in its International growth. We now have divisions in the following countries: Sudan, Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, India, Pakistan and South Africa. All the divisions share the same purpose: to be the difference we want to see.

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